Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Google IOIO Board and Analog Temperature Sensor

How To Connect a Temperature Sensor To An IOIO Board using Javascript programming.


This post shows you how to read an analog sensor at timed intervals. Useful for monitoring any room temperature, or for any number of ideas requiring a timed response for an analog sensor.


Basic4ppc javascript is very powerful and has some unique commands that allow you to have multiple timed triggers.  These timers are simple to use and allow you control a multitude of sensors at the same time.

The attached files allow you to change the interval using a drop menu and then read the sensor at the described interval.

With a few additions you could control multiple temperature sensors - indoor and outdoor, or you could add a proximity sensor to determine distance and temperature at the same time.

Android4Basic Files:

You will need the source files to test your circuit. 

Parts Needed:

  1. Temperature Sensor
  2. Capacitor
  3. Bread Board
  4. Jumper Wires


Wiring Diagram:

Thursday, May 17, 2012

How To Setup Initial Basic4Android Javascript & IOIO Board Setup

This is the first of many posts about my journey using Basic4Android and Ytai's IOIO board. This initial post will set up your software and IOIO board for first time use.

Let's Get Started!

You will need many tools to make this come together for the first time. I tend to use for my electronic parts orders and will give part numbers when I can.  You can call or email them as they are quick about supporting anything they sell.
Basic4Android lets you program using Javascript to control your IOIO Board.  It cannot get any easier than that.

  • You will have to have an IOIO Board connected to your android device for any testing. You cannot use the Android Emulator within Basic4Android to make a connection to the IOIO Board.

Software you will need:


Basic4Android - Buy It Here: Basic4Android. There are software upgrades and you might as well purchase the unlimited upgrade option to save on upgrades in the future, plus Erel is a good guy!

  1. Download and install Basic4Android per the instructions found at home site. Its not hard but you need to do this to get things started.
  2. Download the IOIO files and copy to the Libraries folder found within your Basic4Android program folder.
  3. Start Basic4Android and click the Libs icon in the lower right hand corner.
  4. In the list on the right check ioiobt and ioiolibbt. These libraries must be loaded to communicate with the IOIO Board.


Your IOIO Board needs to be setup to communicate with your android device. 

  1. Turn on Bluetooth on your device.
  2. Plug in or power up your IOIO Board with the bluetooth adapter inserted in the board.
  3. On your android device pair up the IOIO with the password of : 4545
  4. Make sure your device declares that it is Paired.


Now you are ready to test your connection for programming!

  1. Download the Hello IOIO Basic4Android file.
  2. Open the file in Basic4Android and compile to your android device.
  3. Run the App or the compiled app.
  4. Click the Button to make the Yellow LED turn off or on.  
 If all goes well you will see the LED turn off or on! 

Then you will need the following files:

What you have to purchase:

Thursday, May 10, 2012

How To -

How To -

These guys have the simplest way to order that I can find. They are fast, friendly on the phone and deliver as promised. If you have any questions, just call them, I have and it works.

I try to order everything that is needed from them.  They even have some really cool kits to keep you occupied.

On each post I have a link for any parts that I have ordered and used for each project.

Yes, this is a plug for Sparkfun, but when something works, don't fuss with it!